Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Darfur at # 5 on Yahoo! search

How would you know that people worldwide are interested in Darfur? Easy: look at the search engines results online. This week Yahoo! search ranked Darfur at number 5 among the top ten words being sought. Did that tell us something?
  1. Larry Birkhead
  2. Manchester United
  3. Johnny Cash
  4. Tasmanian Devil
  5. Darfur
  6. Rutgers...
  7. 28 Weeks Later
  8. Drew Barrymore
  9. Friday Night Lights
  10. Prom Hairstyles


Aaron Stewart said...

The Tasmanian Devil? Surely they jest.

Precious said...

Who is Larry Birkhead???? :s

Just wondering..

Black Kush said...

Hey Precious! Welcome! Larry Birkhead is the father of Anna Nicole's babe, as confirmed by DNA!

I don't know what the interest on the Tasmanian devil is all about. It is an animal that was about to be extinct, I guess.

Reem said...

I'm not surprised.Its everywhere (newspaper/television/lectures/people talking etc...)