Has the Khartoum government started making onciliatory remarks to placate USA? If so, Khartoum has seen that delaying the referenda is not going to solve their problems. The message from
John Kerry is clear, play ball and you will be rewarded. Otherwise . . .
The new issue of National Geographic magazine has two articles about South Sudan.
It says "Great Migrations" on the cover.
You people only want to rip the country apart for your narrow interests.
Do you think you will be left alone after independence? You will be a toy in US and Israeli hands, and an errand boy to do their dirty work.
What kind of internal stability do you expect with all the conflicting ethnicities in southern Sudan?
Do you really want to bring prosperity to southern Sudanese, or do you simply taggle onto their needs to gain the wealth of oil in you "pocketses".
Dream of prosperity "people's" liberation party, you who sell your country's unity and stability in the name of the people, for only in you dreams shall you find prosperity. History shows us what type of states emerge from the likes of you.
NOTE: I'm not Sudanese nor do I live near Sudan, I only care.
Nemesis, if you care, you would not have said what you said. Those who care value people,value who they are and how they come to be here. Those who care want to see everyone considered, not marginalized, trampled upon and considered second class because they are different from the ruling elite. Those who care do not think like you do.
If people have failed to live together for more than 50 years, trying the live as separate entities is the only option left. Worrying about the varying ethnicities that they will slaughter themselves after separation is an story that is being told by people who are opposed to separation.
Real the separate posts in the blog and you will understand why . . .
Using the "peoples" card, I see? I do not disregard people, I criticized those who use the people to advance their interests, after which the people may rot.
Strive for your rights and strive for your unity, I insist.
What you are doing is treason: taking refuge in countries who would only be too happy to see the fragmentation of your country.
We shall see tomorrow, if dissolvement happens, what type of state shall emerge; look for yourself what truly is the role of your state; who's interests is it truly advancing, how the people's "interests" are actually being "fulfilled", and finally, the turmoil that the region shall undergo in consequence; and then don't blame but yourselves (if you care).
You are, whether you know it or not, a US chess piece, and you shall crumple when it crumples, God knowing.
Nemeis, you will never understand what the people of Southern Sudan had gone through in the past 50 years under Khartoum regime. When the people of Southern Sudan wants to practice was is rightfully theirs, given in an agreement that brought an end to war, it is their right. Let us rule ourselves. When you talk about turmoil in the region and refugees, you are talking about the interests of others, not Southern Sudanese (I see a contradiction there!) Our interest is to see a free South Sudan. Whoever think otherwise is irrelevant to us.
Then so be it.
What, do you think you live alone in this world? What, are the southern Sudanese a special race that came down from the sky or something? You are but part of your surroundings, and have interchanged and merged with people around you throughout centuries. What separates you from others is but colonial imposed borders, barely anything else.
If causing turmoil for your neighbors in the region for the sake of a puppet state is irrelevant to you, then it is relevant to others; and that sentiment might help us forecast the type of entity that would be established.
I will prove you wrong, many years from now . . .
Very good, let us wait and see.
Time does tell.
I am hoping you would be ready to change your mind if things don't go as you say; and I am also prepared to change mine, though I highly expect not to be surprised.
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